Find Me Serenity

A Random Blog of Randomness

July 2013

  • Tumbling Down the Rabbit Hole

    Or, Batcave as it were. I have yet to figure out what it is about the Batman that has had me fascinated since who knows when, but I have a distinct memory of needing, begging, to see the new Batman movie when Tim Burton’s take on the Dark Knight hit theaters in 1989. I was… Continue reading

About Me

Welcome. This is a safe space where I talk about all sorts of things from my life as a wheelchair user, writer and sports fan to whatever else is on my mind. Thank you for being here and going on this journey I call life with me.

Please note: I take no responsibility for how you interact with what I have to say. My opinions are my own and may be different than yours. That’s ok. This is my life, mostly unedited and wholly unfiltered. 

Much Love
